Wii- Gamecube Multiboot ISO creator

Wii- Gamecube Multiboot ISO creator [UPDATED 14/12/09]


I found this when I was browsing for multicartridges, this is my own link becuase its quite a hard file to find, here is the description by wiihacksDOTcom:


This easy to use Windows GUI based application allows you to make compilations of your GameCube backups and either write them to a DVD5 or DVD9 disc. Features include building, extracting and shrinking images.

What's new:

* Fixed: DVD size control was not updated if a game was removed with the delete key.

* Fixed: Game extraction save dialog accepted invalid filenames, which threw an exception of course.

*Added: Updated GCOS MultiGame version to v4.0F DVD9

Credit goes to Patman for this. But the link is MINE.



There is also a newer version of this but I can't find it, below is a screen of the GUI.

This isn't usable on a Gamecube (only for Wii), but if you find a way then please share!


There is now a Multiboot Scrubber for Wii Games!



You need the Multi-boot app for the homebrew channel if you want to boot from disc.



M Vortex

Password is always mvortex

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